For over a decade, Lacey has been entertaining people all over the world with funny and political drag performances. Lacey has always been unconventional in the arts of beauty makeup, special effect makeup, cosplay, and drag. A loving and caring self-expression expert, Lacey is also well versed in tough love and teaching others to stand their ground. Having been through divorce, cancer scares, a two week coma, sexual assault, domestic violence, physical trauma, bipolar disorder, and suicidal ideation, this proud Gryffindor has learned the secret to finding inspiration and creating joy in their life. Lacey wants to share it with you.

Want to learn how to release the person you’re meant to be? Are you ready to change your life and learn to be authentically you? Contact Lacey below to bring them to your city for a powerful and motivational talk for you and your team.


Inspire & Create Joy


Find Joy in Your Life